Peer-Reviewed Publications
Employment/Public Accommodations Inequality Forth. Byron, Reginald A. and Vincent J. Roscigno. Chains of Discrimination: Race, Gender, and the Persistence of Employment Inequality Under Contract and Full Manuscript Under Review (ASA Rose Series, Russell Sage) 2023 Byron, Reginald A. “Race and Contemporary Perceptions of Public Accommodations Inequality.” Contexts 22(2): 64-65. 2023 Byron, Reginald A. “Organizational Directives and the Persistence of Racial Discrimination in U.S. Public Accommodations” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 9(3): 326-341.
2019 Byron, Reginald A. and Vincent J. Roscigno. “Bureaucracy, Discrimination, and the Racialized Character of Organizational Life.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Race, Organizations, and the Organizing Process 60: 151-169. 2014 Byron, Reginald A. and Vincent Roscigno. “Relational Power, Legitimation, and Pregnancy Discrimination.” Gender & Society 28(3): 435-462. 2013 Byron, Reginald A. “Teaching Tokenism with Occupational Sex Segregation Data.” Class Activity published in TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. Washington DC: American Sociological Association. 2012 Roscigno, Vincent J., Lisa M. Williams, and Reginald A. Byron. “Workplace Racial Discrimination and Middle Class Vulnerability.” American Behavioral Scientist 56(5): 696-710. 2010 Byron, Reginald A. “Discrimination, Complexity, and the Public/Private Sector Question.” Work and Occupations 37(4): 435-475. 2007 Roscigno, Vincent, Sherry Mong, Reginald Byron, and Griff Tester.“Age Discrimination, Social Closure and Employment.” Social Forces 86(1): 313-334.
2007 Roscigno, Vincent, Lisette Garcia, Sherry Mong, and Reginald Byron. “Racial Discrimination at Work: It’s Occurrence, Dimensions, and Consequences.” Research in Race and Ethnic Relations 14: 111-135. 2007 Byron, Reginald, and Vincent Roscigno. “Discrimination in Public and Private Economic Sectors” Pp. 89-101. The Face of Discrimination: How Race and Sex Impact Work and Home Lives. Rowman & Littlefield. Non-Peer Reviewed Invited Book Reviews 2018 Byron, Reginald A. Review of Hard Work is Not Enough: Gender and Racial Inequality in an Urban Workspace by Katrinell M. Davis. American Journal of Sociology 123 (5): 1500-1501. 2015 Byron, Reginald A. Review of The Color Bind: Talking (and Not Talking) about Race at Work by Erica Gabrielle Foldy and Tamara R. Buckley. Work and Occupations 42(3): 381-383. Higher Education 2021 Lowe, Maria, Reginald A. Byron, Holly O’Hara**, and Dakota Cortez**. “Neutralized Hegemonic Banter: The Persistence of Sexist and Racist Joking Among Undergraduate Students.” Sociological Inquiry 91(1): 181-206. 2017 Byron, Reginald A., Maria R. Lowe, Brianna Billingsley**, and Nathan Tuttle**. “Performativity Double Standards and the Sexual Orientation Climate at a Southern Liberal Arts University.” Journal of Homosexuality 64(5): 671-696. 2015 Byron, Reginald A. “Teaching the Sociological Imagination with SAT Data.” Class Activity published in TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. Washington DC: American Sociological Association. 2014 Lowe, Maria R., Reginald A. Byron, and Susan Mennicke. “The Racialized Impact of Study Abroad on Students’ Subsequent Interracial Interactions.” Education Research International vol. 2014, Article ID 232687, 9 pages 2013 Lowe, Maria R., Reginald A. Byron, Griffin Ferry** and Melissa Garcia**. “Food for Thought: Frequent Interracial Dining as a Predictor of Students’ Racial Climate Perceptions.” The Journal of Higher Education 84(4): 569-600. Lowe and Byron are co-lead authors
2012 Byron, Reginald A. "Sexuality and Cultural Values." Class Activity published in TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. Washington DC: American Sociological Association. Non-Peer Reviewed Invited Book Reviews 2021 Byron, Reginald A. Review of Should schools be colorblind? by Laurie Cooper Stoll. Social Forces 99(3): e1. Criminology 2025 Byron, Reginald A. "(Un)Predicted Patterns in the Timing of Urban Shootings Across Six U.S. Cities" Forthcoming at Sociological Research Online 2024 Byron, Reginald A. "Temporally Differentiated Patterns of Gun Violence Across Urban Space." Contexts 23(3): 59-61. 2024 Byron, Reginald A. "Race and Changing Perceptions of Crime and Drug Addiction in the U.S." Contexts 23(1): 53-55. 2020 Byron, Reginald A. Neighborhood Context, Racial/Economic Privilege, and Prominent U.S. Newspaper Coverage of Home Invasion Crime. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 20(1): 6-27.
2020 Byron, Reginald A. “Teaching Criminology During a Pandemic.” Class Assignment in TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.
2018 Byron, Reginald A., William S. Molidor** and Andrew Cantu**. “U.S. Newspapers’ Portrayals of Home Invasion Crime.” The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 57(2): 250-277. 2017 Byron, Reginald A. “Teaching about Police Violence with Open Source Police Shootings Data and Census Data.” Class Assignment published in TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. Washington DC: American Sociological Association. 2015 Krivo, Laurie J., Reginald A. Byron, Catherine A. Calder, Ruth D. Peterson, Christopher R. Browning, Mei-Po Kwan, and Jae Yong Lee. “Patterns of Local Segregation: Do they Matter for Neighborhood Crime?” Social Science Research 58: 303-318. 2010 Browning, Christopher R., Reginald A. Byron, Catherine A. Calder, Lauren J. Krivo, Mei-Po Kwan, Jae Yong Lee, and Ruth D. Peterson. “Commercial Density, Residential Concentration, and Crime: Land Use Patterns and Violence in Neighborhood Context.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 47(3): 329-357.